Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Choosing a Mission ....port reading

After reading this article it resurfaces the initial question of what is art? what makes art art? A question I have yet learned to fully and correctly answer. However when a person asks me about art or if something is art my response is: Art is subjective and relative. I don't really answer but give the inquisitive person new questions to ask themselves in order to answer their initial question. I then compare the currant matter being questioned to preexisting art that relates. When the article states "Today's artists heal, sell, teach, build cook, dance, document, perform, recite, preach, and more" I thought to myself as an artist I do all of that. Being an experimenting and open ended artist I feel I do all these things and makes it that much harder for me to define to someone who is asking. As an artist My only mission is to make things I enjoy making, and do things I enjoy doing. The process is more important than the outcome.

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