Monday, March 26, 2012

port...crit 2 ...External view...

I spoke with various people about my work and found them all helpful. The idea arose with almost every person I spoke with, including my past conversation with Russell, that I have a great attraction for space. This reinforced ideas that Russell had already leaned toward. This was helpful but I related to my conversation with Angela Varga. We discussed not only my work but some of hers which related. This not only gave me new ideas but also a lot of inspiration. Angela noted that my use of materials could expand and intertwine with other materials. She also suggested if I wanted more structure in my work I could use organic shapes to give the viewer an idea of something that already exists. Like picking shapes out of the clouds. Or even more concrete, simple, or complex shapes like a tree or a sphere. She also suggested working on a large scale to obscure the use of material with the shape and also play with my sense of space. This conversation was very helpful, but sent my mind in a thousand directions (which is not a bad thing).

port...crit 1...External view...

After speaking with Russell about my work I began noticing things I'm good at and patterns I make in my work. We discussed my use of materials and sense of shape. After this conversation I realized I was being a little closed minded with my materials that I could achieve the same goals with various materials which broaden my options. We discussed my love for hands on work, and my passion to create a sense of space. I found this conversation very helpful for my current and future work.

Draw3 final

With a growing knowledge of my interest in space I find myself fascinated, lured, and overwhelmed by installations. The sense of space and engagement of the viewer entices me. Coupled with installations I find myself interested in mobiles and hanging sculptures which also create a great sense of space. With this awareness of great fascination I would like to create an installation of display and hanging sculpture. I would like to serve up little moments on plates resting on columns or boxes. Along with this display of moments I want to suspend some of my pieces or moments above the display. To add a sense of playfulness some of the suspended pieces will be slightly camouflaged by placing them in semi-transparent globes. In creating this piece I hope to be inspiring and stir feelings and emotions of my viewers such as happiness, curiosity, wonder, and playfulness. I would like to translate some of the things I feel while viewing an installation.

Fred Sandback
Surasi Kusolwong
Darren Bader

Alexander Calder
Felix Gonzalez- Torres

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


LTLYM #31.....spend time with a dying person

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This is my friend David Milligan. David is currently being treated with chemotherapy and radiation for lung cancer. I have taken him to a few appointments. David went to the VA hospital for a physical and to get some reading glasses. The last part of his physical was a chest xray that revealed he was stage 4 lung cancer. I have known him for 5 years and have witnessed his digression in the past ten months. I am very close to him, and it has been a rough road.

wood burn