Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January 11, 2014- January 28, 2014 Misc + excuses....

So Its been a rough dose of reality the past few weeks. I realized i set an unrealistic goal thus setting myself up for failure from the start. In the past few weeks a few things that could be summed up with the title of "Life" got in the way. My sister had a major neck surgery having metal plates put in due to a bulging disc between 5 and 6. So while visiting her for a few days during her recovery I didn't do anything artistic. Although i have constantly kept art on my mind so the goal has been successful in that sense. Another set back was I  have had strep throat for about a week and just started antibiotics. Technically i could have worked on my art while sick but i haven't really felt up to anything. But meanwhile in between these events I've done a few small things here and there including attending a Billy Joel concert (which we were promoted from our nose bleed seats to front row by his staff to mix up the demographic.)

Saturday, January 11, 2014

January 10, 2014 Art talk, inspiration, and planning

Today's art began with an inspiring art talk with a fellow artist Jolene Dubray. We discussed current works, goals, and started beginning plans to participate in Flagler creates with Flagler college. We intend to do a performance piece but have yet to start a list of potential ideas. Looking forward to collaborating with Jolene on this.

January 9, 2014 continued toothpick sculpture

January 8, 2014 more mini canvas preps with gesso

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January 7, 2014 Started to remember how to crochet.

Attempted random patterns of crocheting I remembered from my childhood to start a hat.. The attempt was unsuccessful as a hat however I did relearn some stitches and will continue to learn...this exercise was based strictly on memory and winging it. I will be seeking advice from my mom and internet instructions for my next attempt.

January 6, 2014 Gesso mini canvas to prep for future painting.

January 5, 2014 Additions to ongoing toothpick sculpture.