So Its been a rough dose of reality the past few weeks. I realized i set an unrealistic goal thus setting myself up for failure from the start. In the past few weeks a few things that could be summed up with the title of "Life" got in the way. My sister had a major neck surgery having metal plates put in due to a bulging disc between 5 and 6. So while visiting her for a few days during her recovery I didn't do anything artistic. Although i have constantly kept art on my mind so the goal has been successful in that sense. Another set back was I have had strep throat for about a week and just started antibiotics. Technically i could have worked on my art while sick but i haven't really felt up to anything. But meanwhile in between these events I've done a few small things here and there including attending a Billy Joel concert (which we were promoted from our nose bleed seats to front row by his staff to mix up the demographic.)
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